Monday, January 5, 2009

Trendy Tees For Kids

I am all about second hand clothes for children. It's practical and cheap! But sometimes there are clothes that are just too cute to pass up. The Cotton factory has old school trendy tees and the majority of them are offered in kids sizes- love it! Our personal favorite is the chubosaurus tee.

Kids Off to Elope in Africa

Teaching preschool taught me not to put anything past a child. They do and say things that are amazing and humorously inappropriate. I happened upon this news story of 2 young children in love and off to elope in Africa as their parents slept. What a plan!
eloping in africa

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Evil Eyed Baby

I found this cutie on you tube! This will definitely leave a smile on your face!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Orgasmic Birth...A Little Out There

I have no problem with saying that the birth of my son was one of THE most wonderful things I have ever experienced. However it was also one of the most painful experiences of my life. The kind of pain that nothing compares with and that can't be explained. So you can see that when my husband sent me this link about orgasmic births I laughed out loud. My interest was sparked by the title so I read the article and watched the video clip. My thoughts about what I read came down to a few phrases: 1.Weird 2.What are these people smoking?! Although not everyone experiences painful childbirth saying that it is pleasant and not at all painful and downright orgasmic makes me feel a little odd. I would like to know what you think- I am also posting a few articles that reviewed the orgasmic birth website.

orgasmic birth
mom logic

Friday, January 2, 2009

Childhood Obesity

Childhood obesity rates are outrageous and sad. Every parent wants their child to be healthy but are too often in a hurry to realize what they are really eating. I just read a fantastic article on giving children a healthy start on life. This article warns about the dangers of childhood obesity and gives advice on how to curve your child's appetite toward healthier foods.

How to give your child a healthier, longer life

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year's baby born on PLANE

8 1/2 month pregnant lady gives birth to baby on flight from Amsterdam. One question: Why would anyone get on an airplane at 8 1/2 months?